Eagles are on the Nest

I had a fascinating encounter with the bald eagle family of Lake Rescue this morning. They live there year-round, and have been residents for years, entrancing the human residents of this lovely lake in southern Vermon

I had a fascinating encounter with the bald eagle family of Lake Rescue this morning. They live there year-round, and have been residents for years, entrancing the human residents of this lovely lake in southern Vermont.

When I came around the bend in my kayak at 6:45 AM, the mother eagle was waiting for me in a tall tree nearby. Can you spot her?

Mother eagle, perched on a branch on the north end of Discovery Island. The nest is in a cove just beyond the south end of the small island.

I checked the nest: empty.

Then the baby popped up.

Mom immediately flew over to him.

She landed on a nearby branch and the two interacted for a long time.

It’s so awesome to start the day with this!

Loon Migration on Lake Rescue

I kayaked Lake Rescue in 29 degrees to see how it looked with its trees, some still fall-tinged, dusted with a soft early snowfall, and encountered an astonishing 25 loons swimming together back and forth in the south end.

I assume they were a migrating group that came from the Adirondack lakes and were gathering up others on their way to the Atlantic coast.

They made no sound, just swam together, occasionally craning their necks or ruffling their wings.

In the end, they took to the air, flying together in three or four glorious circles around the lake, sometimes, right over my head, before heading off to parts unknown.

Goodbye, loons. Safe travels. Thanks for the memories. See you next year!

(Addendum: Turns out they were not loons but white-winged scoters. Still stunning!)

Early Morning on Lake Rescue

It may seem bizarre to intentionally get up at 6 AM when you’re on summer vacation. That’s supposed to be your time to sleep late, right? But you could be missing out on the best stuff Lake Rescue has to offer! Setting your alarm that early can reap some incredible rewards, if you want to start your day with meditative peace and serenity. The lake itself presents a striking tableau, with a contract of dark mountains, clear water and, and clouds and mist.

For birdwatchers, daybreak is a bewitching time when birds are active but most humans are not. Some of the birds I have quietly watched this summer include great blue herons, snowy egrets, a variety of ducks, a loon couple, and a bald eagle family.

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