Spiffing up Lake Rescue Chalet, Part 2

The back deck was just the beginning. ARyk and Bob set to work on the front deck and steps next. They got a little help from kaylee the cat as they stripped, sanded and stained the deck a beautiful mahogany brown.

Prep Work: Stripping and Sanding

The boards were naked and unprotected by the time Bob and Aryk were done powerwashing, then sanding off the old stain. Kaylee the cat helped.


It’s a big deck and took several days, but the stain was a major transformation that woke up a tired deck.

The finished deck

The finished product. Isn’t it beautiful?

Footnote: Escaping Disaster

Bob wadded up the used rags from staining and tossed them together under the deck, by the wood pile. We were disturbed by a horrible burning smell hours later. We searched all over for the source, but then a neighbor knocked on the door frantically, crying, “Your rags are burning!” We quickly put them out, and discovered that the linseed oil in stain can cause spontaneous combustion in wadded-up rags. We learned to always lay the rags out flat to dry. We are lucky we didn’t burn the house down! Lesson learned: Always read the can for safe disposal information.

Up next … Part 3, Repainting the House

Spiffing up Lake Rescue Chalet, Part 1

(A story in 3 parts)

Bob and Aryk, with a little help from Lisa, spent August and September spiffing up Lake Rescue Chalet. We’d like to share the transformation!

First we restained the enormous front and back decks at Lake Rescue Chalet. Then we restained the entire house!

Let’s start with the back deck, where we like to hang out or before-dinner drinks and early morning (and sometimes evening) hot tub soaks.


This is the back deck before we started. As you can see, the previous stain had largely worn off.

Hard at Work on the Back Deck

Bob and Aryk power washed the deck, then used a sander to remove the remaining stain. Finally, they painstakingly applied a lovely mahogany stain.

The Lovely Results!

Isn’t it lovely?

Coming next … the front deck transformation, with a little help from Kaylee the resident cat.

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